Upper Cervical Chiropractor Hendersonville North Carolina

Understanding Hemiplegic Migraines in Hendersonville NC


Hemiplegic Migraine 

Most people think of headaches when they think of migraines, and most people who suffer from migraines suffer from pain in their heads. Though, that is only possible symptom of what is a neurological conditions.

Even for people who do experience headaches as a result of their migraines, they may experience symptoms called aura of the coming pain. That can include temporary disturbances in the body such as weird sensations, loss of muscle control, or visual problems. The aura that people experience before the onset of this type of migraine usually lasts longer and is more severe.

One type of migraines that is more serious than others and leaves a person debilitated is a Hemiplegic Migraine. Those who suffer from that type of neurological disorder quite often suffer from paralysis and weakness in their muscles that can cause temporary, stroke like paralysis (Hemiplegia) on one side of their body.

Symptoms of Hemiplegic Migraines

Quite often, people who suffer from this type of migraine will begin experiencing them during their childhood, and then they’ll outgrow them in adulthood. Those symptoms can vary from person to person and from one attack to the next. Here are the possible symptoms of Hemiplegic Migraines you should know.

To learn more about the connection between migraine headaches and head and neck injuries download our complimentary headache e-book by clicking the image below.

Symptoms of Hemiplegic Migraines

While, there has been little progress in the development of a migraine medication that will offer people relief from this type of neurological problem, there is a way to overcome this pain. Upper Cervical Chiropractic offers migraine sufferers a resolution to this neurological problem by restoring the body to its natural state of healing.

They do this by examining a person’s neck for any misalignments in their upper cervical spine, which are the top two vertebrae in a person’s neck. A misalignment of only ¼ of a millimeter of those two bones places pressure on the brainstem, which is the main venue through which the brain communicates with the body, and hinders the communication process.

When an upper cervical chiropractor realigns those two bones, they restore that communication process and allow the body to begin to heal itself.


To find an upper cervical specialist in your area go to www.upCspine.com or if you are in the Hendersonville North Carolina area simply click the button below.

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