Migraines – A Study Reveals that Occurrence is on the Increase

Headaches, Migraines, Headache, Migraine, Blood FlowMigraines are on the rise in modern times. Many suffer no warning signs before the pain strikes. To learn more about the spread of this condition, a study was performed over the course of 11 years. In that period of time, the number of participants experiencing migraines increased 1.1% to 13.2% of participants in the study.

1.1% may sound like a small amount, but let’s apply that figure to just the US. There are approximately 319 million people in the US. This means that, according to the study, there will be three and a half million new migraine sufferers in the next 11 years in the US alone.

Migraines Are Virtually an Epidemic

How can we fight against the scourge of migraines that is sweeping the world? The pharmaceutical industry would like us to believe that the answer lies in medicating ourselves to deal with the pain. However, there are several problems with that plan.

  • Medications only treat the symptoms. The underlying problem still exists, and migraines continue to occur.
  • Many medications perpetuate the problem by causing rebound headaches. Switching medications may relieve this problem temporarily, but rebound headaches pretty much occur universally with pain medication.
  • Medications that treat migraine pain often come with unwanted side effects (besides just the rebound headaches).

To learn more about the connection between migraines, chronic headaches and head and neck injuries download our complimentary headache e-book by clicking the image below.


Real Treatment for Migraines

Head pain is just one symptom of migraines. This is a neurological condition, and ideas about what is behind migraines abound. However, one common factor seen in many migraine patients is a misalignment of the C1 and C2 vertebrae. Could this be what is causing your migraines?

The only way to know for sure is to get examined by an upper cervical chiropractor like Dr. Henri Dallies of Hendersonville, North Carolina. Dr. Dallies can examine your upper neck to see if these is a misalignment. Correcting this problem can help the brainstem to communicate more freely with the rest of the body.

Upper cervical chiropractic utilizes gentle adjustments that do not require popping or cracking like general chiropractic. After the initial consultation, visits only take a few minutes out of your busy schedule. With the prospect of complete resolution of your migraine problems, isn’t it worth giving upper cervical chiropractic a try?


To find an upper cervical specialist in your area go to www.upCspine.com or if you are in the Hendersonville North Carolina area simply click the button below.
