How your Body Reacts to Whiplash in Hendersonville NC

Whiplash and Upper Cervical Care

whiplash, neck ache, neck injury, sore neck

Icing your neck after you’re in a car accident, sustain a sports related injury, or experience any other type of injury is important. But it’s not enough. We know, it’s easy to think that an ice pack is all you need to heal from that injury, but it’s not.

Of course, it is important to know what more you should do, which is to seek out the care of an upper cervical chiropractor. They will examine your upper cervical spine, which consists of the top two vertebrae in your spine, which are just below your brainstem.

After they examine your upper neck, they will make any necessary adjustments to your upper cervical spine. It is not unheard of for a person with a misalignment in their upper neck to notice an improvement in their health after the first adjustment, but that may not always be the case. Your upper cervical chiropractor will set you on a plan to receive an adjustment once or twice a week, month, or some other predetermined amount of time.

Also, they will only adjust you when you need to be adjusted. That means if your previous adjustment is maintaining it’s position, they won’t make any adjustments. It’s like the old saying goes, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. ” Their purpose is not to give you a quick fix, rather it’s to help your body heal.

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Whiplash and Vertigo

Now, let’s look at what could happen if you leave the minor neck pain alone, or just think that ice alone is all you need. Your brain consists of blood that needs to get to certain areas in your body in order to function properly. If that blood doesn’t get to the part of your body it should get to, then it can lead to various health problems.

Among those health conditions is Vertigo, which is the result of your Vestibular System, which controls your balance and spatial orientation, does not function correctly. The scary thing is that 25 to 50% of all whiplash victims experience Vertigo. That’s because that neck injury doesn’t just effect the neck, it also effects the brainstem. But it is possible to avoid being part of that statistic, and that’s by seeking out the care of an upper cervical chiropractor.

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